Hardship scholarship application

Announcement: Support our Scholarship Program

Apply for our Brown Girl Woke Hardship Scholarship


The BGW Hardship Scholarship is sponsored by the Brown Girl Woke Foundation and is designed to assist students who wish to pursue education but do not have the financial means to do so.

The BGW Hardship Scholarship is open to students from the University of the South Pacific (U.S.P) and the National University of Samoa (N.U.S) across all disciplines.


Fill out the application form below or download the form here


BGW Hardship Scholarship Application Form


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Scholarship Information Sheet


  • The recipient of the BGW Hardship Scholarship is selected based on various factors, including community work, financial hardship and the students’ ability to persevere. Academic performance is also considered, but it is not the deciding factor in the selection process.
  • There are FOUR (4) Scholarships available across all disciplines and levels, however, scholarships are divided into the following:
    • 2 Foundation Scholarships
    • 2 Degree Level Scholarships
  • Each scholarship is to the value of $1,500 annually. The scholarship funds will be administered in 2 instalments:
    • 1st Semester: $500
    • 2nd Semester: $1,000
  • The allocated funds will be paid directly to the university/institution.
  • The recipient of the BGW Hardship Scholarship is required to adhere to the terms and conditions of the scholarship (page 4). Failure to comply and adhere to these terms and conditions may result in the termination of the scholarship.
  • Applicants for the Foundation Scholarships are required to attach a copy of the following:
    • Completed BGW Hardship Scholarship Application form
    • ONE (1) form of identification (e.g. passport, driver’s license, birth certificate)
    • SSLC and SSC Results
    • ONE (1) character reference
  • Applicants for the Degree Level Scholarships are required to attach a copy of the following:
    • Completed BGW Hardship Scholarship Application form
    • ONE (1) form of identification (e.g. passport, driver’s license, birth certificate)
    • Foundation Certificate
    • Academic Transcript (i.e. Foundation and Degree level courses)
    • ONE (1) character reference
  • The successful recipient of the scholarship must provide a valid invoice from their institution before the scholarship funds can be paid out.
  • All completed applications are to be dropped off to NUS directly to the BGW representatives; Martin Sausoo (FOBE) or Ramona Boodoosingh (Nursing). Alternatively, applications can be sent to [email protected].
  • The cut-off date for applications will be January 31st 2021. Successful recipients will be notified via the contact numbers and emails provided.

Terms & Conditions

  • The recipient of the BGW Hardship Scholarship is required to adhere to the terms and conditions of the scholarship. Failure to adhere to the terms and conditions disclosed may result in the termination of the scholarship.
  • The recipient of the BGW Hardship Scholarship is required to participate in the publicity of the scholarship. This may include interviews from media outlets, BGW social media platforms, and similar publicity platforms.
  • The recipient of the BGW Hardship Scholarship must notify BGW of any changes to their qualification and courses immediately.
  • The recipient of the BGW Hardship Scholarship is expected to:
    • Attend regular classes for his/her qualification and maintain an attendance rate of 75% or better.
    • Attain a B average or better per semester.
    • Be respectful and display good conduct in the classroom
  • The recipient of the BGW Hardship Scholarship will be expected to participate fully in one of the BGW Youth Programs. The selected program will be chosen after consultation with BGW and the scholarship recipient.
  • The terms and conditions stated above must be adhered to by the scholarship recipient. Failure to comply may result in the termination of the scholarship.