Women in sports

March 2019

Aggie Grey’s Sheraton Hotel, Apia

Announcement: Support our Scholarship Program

We held a Conference at Aggie Greys Sheraton Hotel in support of Women in Sport. This conference was in line up with a sports campaign for female athletes towards promoting young women in sport and their safety and better treatment, equality within their respective areas of play.

We worked closely with 20 female athletes and had a full day program of many activities and workshops to help boost confidence and self-expression, sharing stories and understanding one another as athletes as well as personal individuals.

These activities were possible with the help of American Samoa Alliance Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Organization, providing materials in which participants used to create their story to share, through poems, spoken word, handicraft art.

“…promoting young women in sport and their safety and better treatment, equality within their respective areas of play.”

With this conference themed “I Can BE Both” our initiative was to help provide a positive outlook for young women athletes to know and understand that they are more than who they are and what they represent as women.

We want young female athletes and all females in general to know they have just as much will power and capability as do male athletes and that they can play into other roles outside femininity. In fact that can do both and succeed at it with great measure.